Wer die Show kennt, wird auf jeden Fall den Refrain dieses wunderschönen Liedes erkenne. Es eignet sich sehr zum Tanzen und sollte mit viel temperament und etwas schneller gesungen werden. Die Verse sind ein Bunter mix und man sucht sich die entsprechenden Verse zur passenden Gelegenheit aus. Ich habe sie der Einfachheit halber numeriert, darauf müsst ihr jedoch nicht achten. Es existieren 2 Refrains für dieses Lied. Wähle selbst, welcher wann am besten passt. Eine Verse daraus sind auch als Dance like the flames bekannt. Außer ein paar leichten Variationen ist es jedoch die gleiche Melodie.
When She danced on the water and the wind was Her horn
The Lady danced and a universe was born
And when She lit the sun and the light gave Him birth
The Lord of the Dance first appeared on the Earth
Refrain 1
Dance, dance, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Dance, said He
I'll live in you if you'll live in Me
And I'll lead you all in the dance, said He
Refrain 2
Dance, dance, like earcht and sky and sea
dance like the flames that in truth are we
and when we´re tired of dancing up the world and its charms
we will rest from the dance in our dark mother´s arms
I dance in the circle and the flames leap on high
I dance in the fire and I never, never die
I dance on the waves of the bright summer sea
For I am the Lord of the waves' mystery
I sleep in the kernel and I laugh at the rain
I dance in the wind and through the waving grain
When you cut me down, I care nothing for the pain
In the spring, I'm the Lord of the Dance once again
I dance at the Sabbat when you dance at the spell
I dance and sing that everyone be well
When the dancing's over, do not think that I am gone
To live is to dance so I dance on and on
The Lord and the Lady cast a song across the plain
The birds took the notes and sang them back again
'Til the sound of Her music was the song of the sky
And to that song, there is one reply
They danced in the darkness and They danced in the night
They danced on the Earth and everything was light
They danced in the darkness and They danced in the dawn
And the day of the dancing still goes on
I gaze on the Heavens and I gaze on the Earth
And I feel the pain of dying and rebirth
And I lift my head in gladness and in praise of the day
For the Dance of the Lord and the Lady gay
I see the maidens laughing as they dance in the sun
And we count the fruits of the harvest one by one
We know the storm is coming, but the grain is all stored
So we sing to the praise of the Lady and the Lord
We dance even slower as the leaves fall and spin
And the sound of Her horn is the wailing of the wind
The call of the Hunter as He rides across the plain
While the Lady sleeps 'til the spring comes again
The Sun is in the southlands and the winds they will chill
And the sound of Her horn is fading on the hill
The herd stands in the stillness as we move in a trance
But we hold on fast to our faith in the Dance
The Sun's in the southlands and the days lengthen fast
And soon we will sing of the winter that is past
But now light the candles and rejoice as they burn
We dance the Dance of the Sun's return
The snow is slowly melting and the clouds bring the rain
The Lady wakes, for the spring has come again
We dance in the meadows and we dance in the groves
And rejoice in the Lord's and the Lady's love
She dance on the void till she danced on the sea,
with the wid, her son, danced all will ever be.
And when the things she´s dancing has already been,
she will dance it back to the void again
He danced on the mountains and he dance in the wood
and with the hoff and horn danced every creature good
He dances in red leaves and in golden grain
then he dances back into earth again
We dance in a circle in a wood in a glad
and give praise and thanks for everything they made
we´ve danced a thousand years here and for thousands before
and we´ll dancendancendance here for thousands more
Though you dance in a tumult yet you dance each alone,
and your feet raise echoes in a world of stone
But when the concrete´s split by the flow´ring tree,
we will dance the world bach to sanity
Lord of the Dance (Pagan)
- Details
- Geschrieben von Administrator
- Hauptkategorie: Lieder & Chants
- Zugriffe: 2477
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